FleckScore Worldcup 2022
Within the framework of the Bundesfleckviehschau 2022 in Freistadt/Austria an international FleckScore competition will be held again. We want to choose the best FleckScore evaluator worldwide again. There will also be interesting prizes for the three best participants.
If you are interested in participating, please contact your breeding organisation. However, we would like to point out that the number of participants per organisation is limited.
Not eligible to participate are official evaluators who supply data to the DEA breeding value estimation system, i.e. the offspring evaluators from Austria, Germany, Italy and the Czech Republic.
The first FleckScore World Cup took place in 2017 during the Federal Fleckvieh Show in Maishofen, Austria.
Enquiries concerning the course of the competition can be sent to gerald.pollak@noegen.at .